Our Miracle

Our Miracle

Sunday, November 22, 2009

We've lost our minds

We really have.

We are getting a puppy.

It was one of those things that Hubby and I always said we'd do, "someday." Like, someday way in the future, someday when we have kids. But the kids elude us. The baby I so dearly want has not yet come. So, I thought, let's transfer all those baby desires onto another kind of baby. One that we can control having or not having. And that's exactly what we are doing.

I hope we don't regret this.

I went today and bought a crate for crate training, a leash, a brush. We still need a collar and food. Of course, I want it to be a cute collar, so I'm still looking.

Our yet-to-be named baby is an adorable Blenheim King Charles Cavalier Spaniel. He comes home to stay on Wedneday, day before Thanksgiving. Our life is about to be turned upside down!