I had the chance to sit down and write a letter to the head of our adoption agency and tell her what an incredible impact her staff made on us.
There can be no doubt that the day we walked in the door to meet with the director and started down this path changed our lives in the most wonderful of ways, blessing us beyond measure. How many times have I kissed Little A today?!?
But even beyond that, every single person we worked with had such a committment to his or her work, had such a passion for creating families, and made us feel immediately comfortable in a completely unfamiliar realm. Adoption, much like infertility, is all about the unknown, the opening up of your heart and putting your faith into someone else's hands, trusting in them to take you from wanting a baby to having a baby.
I still can't stop thinking about what an amazing job they play. It is not an easy one. Our caseworker is on call 24/7. She walks the balancing act between being the usually absent but much-needed support for the birthparents and the calming encouragement for the adoptive parents. She is the one who gets to give the news that families have been matched, that babies have been born, and afterwards that babies who have been placed are getting the most care and love, but she is also the one who has to tell adoptive parents that the birthparents changed their minds, that the baby is not going home with them as planned. When it is time to go to the hospital, she goes. When there are questions, she answers. When there is no news, she still is there, patiently helping you wait. And at the end of it all, she helped our family come together. I know God was the Orchestrater, but she was an instrument. A big one. And what could give you more satisfaction at the end of the day than a job like that?
She is, they all are, an inspiration. Watching them day by day makes me yearn for a job that could make such an impact, that could change people's lives in such a powerful way. I just need to figure out what.
I'm so happy to hear of your wonderful experience. I agree that their jobs are difficult, but amazing. Being a licensed social worker myself, I LOVE what I do. Since starting this adoption journey, I have considered going into adoptions work someday in my career...when I have some distance from it of course:). I hope you find what you are looking for as well!